Thursday, March 15, 2012

{great day}

Man, oh man.  I needed a day like today to kick start my mood.  The sun was shining, the wind was light and breezy, all my windows and doors are open, it's a great day to be alive and well.  I had morning coffee with my neighbor, had a delicious lunch with some great people, drove around with the windows down, the sunroof open and the music loud, then I cooked out, ate dinner on the screened in porch and went to class.  Seriously, a great day.

No fears today, no worries, no regrets.  Just well-being.  I wish that everyday was like it was today.  Hopefully the sun continues to shine brightly and my days continue to be good.  What puts you in a good mood to have a great day?  A good cup of coffee in the morning, a shower first thing, great friends, productivity?  What is your secret to a good life?  Share those moments and days with someone, you will spread your cheer, whether you think it will or not, I'm telling you it will.  You and I being in great moods will allow our light to shine on the rest of the world!  Go out and shine!

**David Update**

I did not get a chance to chat much with David today, but he mentioned that he is excited to come home again today!  He is looking forward to seeing his friends and family, watching movies and listening to the "new" music!  11 days until promotion!

David, it was a great day, obviously, and I got things accomplished!  (and didn't eat an entire bag of goldfish!)  I still have a huge list of to-dos until you get home, but some things are getting crossed off!

I'm here, smiling, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.

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