Wednesday, December 7, 2011

{what the heck}

OH MY GOSH.  Seriously.  I think that I just got dumber watching a video some woman thought she needed to post on YouTube.  Now, I don't normally watch videos that people put on FB, but this one was titled "Why I don't Support the Troops".  Well, being married to the "troops" and living in a family full of "troops" I felt the need to watch it.  I also don't normally find the need to discuss videos I've seen on YouTube, but this one I can't let go.  I'm just going to run down some things about this video that I can't let go at the moment.  I don't want to support this video by telling you to watch it, but watch it.  It will BLOW YOUR MIND!  Let's begin to break some of this down:

"NO, I don't support the current administration, I don't support the wars, but I also, do not support the troops.  I reject nationalism, I reject blind patriotism, and I reject everything that the term "Support the Troops" stand for."

>>Oh jeez, get out of our country.  If you don't like it so much, go somewhere else.  Go to a country where they don't have the ability to protect and serve, where they aren't given freedoms, where they can't support themselves.  If you're going to be mean, just leave.  I think I'll support my fist in your face!  (I don't really enjoy hand to hand combat myself, but it might be necessary.)

"They don't know what they are doing, they think that they are protecting our country, I don't think that's a valid excuse anymore."

>>Oh crap.  Seriously?  "Them"?  Like our men and women of our military are creatures, come on.  And, an excuse?  An excuse to what?  She proceeds to call our military members ignorant of what they are doing.  Oh, this gets my blood to boil.  Can she be serious?  I'm not going to say that all military members may not be ignorant of things, but these men and women train, study, give everything up for a cause that they believe in.  They are more up on current events, they know the behind the scenes that the media doesn't give us, I would venture to say sometimes that they are more informed than we are.

"I believe that people in the military fall under one of three categories: they're dumb...really dumb, evil/couldn't get a real job or are morally compromised"

>>Dumb: oh man.  She says that the military members are dumb because we live in a time where information is at our fingertips.  I assume she believes everything she reads on the internet or in gossip magazines.
>>She says the war is being fought for BP and Exxon Mobil, haha, I want cheaper gas too!  I hope David is out there fighting for some oil for my car!
>>We (as America and the military) are dumb because we are established in countries that are absolutely no threat to us.  I wonder if she missed the tragedy of 9/11?  Maybe she was hibernating for a LONG time.
>>Evil.  She compares all military members to serial killers, where they just get to chop people's heads off and stab people to death.  Oh, I'm still mad about that one.
>> A REAL JOB!  What?!  I can garuntee her that the military is a real job.  I can't even think of another job where you get paid below the minimum wage for months overseas.  (I calculated it, David makes about $5 an hour in Afghanistan.)  I'm not sure she knows what a real job is?  I think their duty is beyond a real job, it's a lifestyle, our military members have done more for their "job" than I ever will for any job I imagine.
>>Immoral, that our military members know what they are doing is wrong and like it.  I'm not even sure I can fully comment on this one.  She says that we won't "kiss their a**es."  Well, h*ll yea I'm going to be kissing them!  Are you kidding me?
>>She then brings up James Barker.  I mean seriously.  She acts like heinous crimes are only committed by military members in foreign countries.  What about the shootings, beatings, rapes, murders, abuse, theft, and violence in America?  Sure, there are some bad seeds in the military, but look at society as a whole?  These awful crimes are committed by humans, not military members, but by individuals, despite their occupation.

I love my country, I love our military, I love my husband, I love it. 

I love patriotism, I love our flag, I love America.

**David Update**

David is still asleep as I'm writing this.  I couldn't wait to talk to him before I blogged tonight.  

Readers:  I don't mean to offend anyone by my writing.  If you were, sorry, I was merely venting about an issue that I obviously have strong feelings for.  

David, I love you and I'm more than proud of you.  

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