Sunday, November 13, 2011

{two months}

Congratulations to all my fellow wives for two months down!  I celebrated with 2 things from Dunkin Donuts this morning, coffee and a donut, two movies rented, Something Borrowed and Horrible Bosses, and two pizzas with my dear friend Jim.

I think that is quote is very fitting for today.  As wives, we may not know very much of what our husbands do, and if we do know, we may not understand.  There are good days without them and there are definitely bad days.  We never know when we will hear from them, what they will say or what they won't say.  We can become frustrated with them and be so elated to get their hand written letters or phone calls.  It's just a few months full of waiting, confusion, stress, and so much anxiety.  We must keep in our minds that we married these men for a reason, we love them more than anything.  Even through these crazy months we must push on and move forward.  There will be light at the end of the tunnel, it's just not in our sights yet.  One day, very soon, we will be able to see that light and have that glorious homecoming day. 

Ladies, you are stronger than you know and I admire and look up to you all so much. Thank you.

**David Update**

I haven't heard from him yet today.  I'm sure that his day was filled with paperwork, meetings, working out, and eating.  If you haven't, you should send a letter or some MotoMail!  He loves to hear from friends and family back home!

This is what a lot of our conversations look like, except I can't normally see his face!  Haha, oh well, it's SO much better than nothing!

David, even through all the confusion and lack of knowledge about your life, I love you regardless.  I married you for a reason and can't wait to begin our married life.

I am here, with my leftover pizza, waiting for you to come home to me.  

I love you David.  

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