Sunday, November 20, 2011

{it goes on}

As you all know by now, my life is a perpetual goal to be better.  To be a better person, a better friend, a better daughter, a better wife, just all around better.  I have not been very good at productivity lately.  I feel like I am always behind where I want to be and that there are always so many things to do.

I think that Robert Frost has it all right.  No matter what has happened in your day, life will continue.  Whether you are missing someone to a deployment, you fight with your parents, you aren't popular, you feel out of place, you don't have great friends, not matter what, we were meant to live on.  To continue our lives tomorrow, and the next day and the next.  Today might have been a bad day, yesterday might have been bad, but make tomorrow better.  Just because something isn't going right or you are feeling bogged down, doesn't mean you have to waste energy being in a bad mood.  Make it a better day, just be better.  

**David Update**

I GOT TO TALK TO HIM ON THE PHONE!  Yay!  Third phone call of this deployment!  I love hearing his voice.  Knowing that he isn't multi-tasking to talk to me and that this time was dedicated only for me is the best feeling in the world.  He called at 0100 and I hung up the phone call the first time!  I'm not used to weird numbers calling me in the middle of the night, so I hung up.  He called me immediately back and started our conversation with "Did you just hang up on me?  I can't believe you hung up on me!?"  Oh dear, welcome to my life.  I don't even remember what he had to say!  I just remember telling him lots of non-important things, like I got curtains!  Oh well.  When I talk to him tonight, I will be sure to get the scoop on what he has been up to.  

David, sorry about the hang up last night.  It was beyond amazing to hear your voice last night.  Feel free to call me anytime!  

I'm here, with my infected finger, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

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