Friday, September 16, 2011

{Today, it's not for me}

Sadness is tough to define.  Webster defines it as "affected with grief or unhappiness".  As far as vocabulary is concerned, I think they have it right.  But to each his own, right?  Sadness isn't the same for every person.  it can be brought on by different situations and scenarios.  Sadness, recently, is the absence of my husband, David, and the uncertainty of our future and his safety.  This sadness is not only for me but for the friends and families of all other military service members.  Today, this sadness, is not for me.  I have to humble myself in comparison to the other wives that I know.  They have children!  All I have to do is keep our home life stable and wait for my husband to come home.  Other mothers/wives in David's company have much more to do and to be concerned about than I do.  They have to be the mom and the dad to children who might not fully understand what their daddys are doing.  Today I have to lay down my sadness and give thanks for my situation right now.  I admire these mothers, and those parents who are married to anyone who is deployed.  Thank you and you are my inspiration.  I can only hope that one day I can be as strong and amazing as these women.

**David Update**

There isn't one.  David and I got to briefly chat with each other on Skype again.  I didn't get much information except he has been working out and got a bunch of free books for his kindle from another Marine.  (He was on cloud 9 about that.)  He was still in the transit station in Manas this morning, but might be on his way to Afghanistan.  He is in charge of the last flight of himself and 58 other Marines who have yet to make it to their final destination.  The above picture is of David waving goodbye to me, but the internet connection is so poor that the picture was stuck like this for a couple minutes!  

As you know, I love looking at pictures of David and today was no different.  I love when David does things that he thinks is cool, like wearing his pack inside with no shirt on, or acting like he is a space commander with his headset.  Just a few more reasons I love this man.

Honey, I'm here.  Waiting on a lovers phone call or a Skype Date.

I'll be here waiting for you and I'm thinking of you all the time.

I love you David.

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