Saturday, September 17, 2011

{Thank you technology}

Today is yet another day of being thankful.  Technology and Communication.  Myself and my generation have been so blessed by the technology that we have grown up with and taken for granted.  I don't think that we give it enough gratitude.  (If you can thank technology, that is.)  David and I get to e-mail, Facebook, Chat, and Skype with each other every time he gets a chance.  The strength of the wifi at LNK (Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan) is so good!  Here are some photos from our conversation today;

Look how clear they are!  I am so amazed.  I can't imagine being a Marine wife years ago.  Waiting by the phone for days just to hear that your husband is safe and sound.  All that worrying and anxiety might literally kill me.  I bow down to all the people before me who had to live out deployments this way.  David e-mails me every morning and night that he can.  Just to let me know he is safe and to wish me a good day and a good nights sleep.  

**David Update**
Boots in the Sand!  He is finally in Afghanistan!  His flight got there safely around 3pm their time.  He is settled in his barracks (sleeping quarters) and was excited to tell me his favorite things about the base.  They are as follows: the chow hall (cafeteria) is all you can eat, you can take food/snacks from the chow hall (power bars and bottled drinks), AND his favorite part is that the gym is open 24/7!  Needless to say, he is doing fine for now.  He is current;y asleep and has a tour of the base in the morning.

David seems to always be making crazy faces and must not like wearing a shirt!  David never fails to make me laugh.  I have seen these pictures a hundred times, but they make me smile every time I see them.  It is hard not being able to have this craziness in my face all the time, but I will again one day.  Some wives say it is nice to have a break from their husbands.  I don't want a break and I hope that I never get to that level.  I love him so much and can't imagine my life with out him.  And I hate life with less of him.  

Honey, I miss you every minute of everyday.  I can't wait for you to be home.

I'm here waiting for you and thinking of you all the time.

I love you David.  

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