Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So many things can define happiness in a person's life.  To me, happiness is chocolate, happiness is a large sugar-free vanilla iced coffee for a buck thirty, happiness is my new running shoes, but happiness for any deployed wife is that phone call from your husband.  The one where we get to hear his voice on the other end.  No matter how our days are going, it goes so much better after that.  Today, a fellow Marine wife, Carol, got a phone call from her man, David's Ssgt.  I can only be so happy for her because I know that feeling and it is the best thing in the world.  I think back to my last conversation with David and get a smile on my face.

**David Update**

I finally heard from my man!  He sent me a good size e-mail just chatting and telling me what he has been up to.  He talks about how it is going to get cold there fast.  How it is already starting to cool down and how cold and wet it will be before they know it.  David tells me about the amount of effort he puts into his job and especially into his Marines.  He says that a typical day starts at 0630 with breakfast and the gym, then working, then lunch, then more work and meetings, then dinner, and potentially more work.  (I wonder what David's hourly pay would be if you broke it down?  I'm sure it's depressing.)  He told me of some letters he has gotten from friends and family and how they are motivating and awesome.  (Keep them coming!)

Oh, he is just so weird!  I love it!  And him!!  I love that top face, it's hilarious!  

David, I can't wait to talk to you later, I have so much to tell you!!

I am here, eating chocolate, and waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.

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