Thursday, November 3, 2011

{worst thing}

With all the working out and running that I have been doing lately I have been thinking about body image.  I am so thankful that I was raised in a house where body image and weight was not talked about in a negative manner.  As long as we had exercise and were healthy, then there were no worries.  (Thanks Mom!)  Most people talk about being overweight, or fat, as a bad thing; but as J.K. Rowling points out, maybe it's not.

Take some time to think about that one.  Do people you know think this way?  Do you think this way?  Are your actions and words speaking truth about what makes humans ugly?  Not what makes us physically ugly, but makes our souls ugly?  Our hearts ugly?  Our personalities ugly?  How do we become less of ugly people?  For society to be better, it must start with us.  We must be the best and kindest people we can.  We must share those traits with everyone we meet.  We must teach our children theses things.  We must make the difference.  Make today that turning point in your thoughts and actions.  I know that I am quietly judgmental of people.  That's where I am going to start to become less ugly.  Where are you starting?

**David Update**

Really, I know nothing more than I did yesterday.  (Which was nothing!)  Still no communication with the husband.  Please continue to hold him and his Marines in your prayers.  

On a brighter David note, I got a 2 page, front and back, letter from him in the mail today!  It was written towards the middle of October I think.  It was SO great to get that letter.  Especially when I haven't heard from him in days.  He writes some great things about himself, his Marines and the Corps itself.  I will share those words tomorrow.  

David, know that when I am looking at the stars at night, you are sitting under the same sky looking at those stars too.  I still love you and we are closer to seeing each other than we were yesterday.  (PS- Tina and I went to day 2 of the MCX grand opening!  Entered more drawings, and got free Rockstar, Cliff/Luna bars, turkey sandwiches, cheese sticks, and Gatorade!  You would LOVE it!)

I'm here, waiting for you and thinking of you all day long.

I love you David.  

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