Tuesday, November 8, 2011

{be patient}

Today was a crazy day of shopping.  Outlet mall, too much money spent and 7 hours in a car.  What a day.

I have been thinking of my life today and how crazy it always seems to be.  My friend Katy pointed out that I have been always in some strange situation and my life lately is no different.  Recently, I haven't been worried about David.  I have been confident in his abilities as a Marine and the abilities of his Marines to do their job and do it well.  Even from the eminent threat of danger that they encounter on any given day, I am not worried about him.  Yes, in the back of my mind there is always that thought, the unspoken one.  Am i strange for that?  Do wives think this way?  Or are they always worried?  Should I switch to being worried?  That would seem like wasted energy, which we all know I can't stand.

I am thankful for the time that David and I get to talk to each other, so grateful.  All day I want to be able to talk to him, like he is home and share with him all the little things that I have to say.  I have to be patient.  He will be back soon.

Your life might be exactly like mine or totally different from mine, but be patient.  There is a plan.  We might not understand is now or tomorrow, but it will end great.  And, never, never stop praying, for the good and help with the bad.  When in doubt, fall to your knees.  

**David Update**

I was lucky enough to briefly talk to David online today.  He said that his past few days have been filled with lots and lots of paperwork and long days.  David says that when he is "out of the office" for a while, the amount of paperwork that he comes back to is unreal.  After a long stressful day, he had a cigar, which was left by another Lt., with another Marine.  He said is was a good way to wind down at the end of the day.  I am thankful that he still has the ability to wind down.  Here is a recent photo of him off Skype, still looking good!

Again, with the weird faces, still his same old weird self!!

David, it is amazing to talk to you.  I cherish our brief minutes.

I'm here, with my new purse, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you.

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