Wednesday, November 30, 2011

{be brave}

Well, it has been 78 days since David deployed for Afghanistan.  I can say that it hasn't been particularly easy.  Some days just feel empty, some feel lonely, some are filled with anger, and a lot are sad.  Between all those days, life goes on.  There is nothing that I, or any of my wife friends, can do about the deployment.  We can't wish it away, we can't have our men home earlier, we can't protect them from imminent danger, we can't do much for them.  What we can do is be patient and keep things going here back at home.  We will have good days and bad days, long days and days that fly by.  Those phone numbers we don't recognize and random knocks on our doors make our hearts sink to the pits of our stomachs. We are nearing the halfway point and get to begin to see the light at the end of this tunnel.

Ladies, stand strong and stand proud.  Our men are the best that our country is made of and we are the best women our country is made of.  We don't ask for much except love, support and prayers.  We are stronger than we know and can make it through anything.  So, we ask of you for just this, your love, your support and lots of your prayers. And to you, our men, our Marines, make us proud and think smart.

**David Update**

David, along with working and having meetings, has been at the gym about an hour a day.  At least he is spending his down time well!  Also, he received a package from a best friend.  In that package were golf clubs!  I can only imagine how much fun he will have hitting some balls in the middle of Afghanistan.  Still a Marine, but a golfer at heart!

Would you look at the antenna on that thing!!  Here is another photo that David has taken while in Afghanistan.  It's cool to see him and his Marines in action.

David, I made a big pot of soup today and wish that you could have been here to share it with me.  It was pretty delicious if I do say so myself.  

I'm here, with a full belly, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Grumpy.  That's the only word that can describe me today.  I went to the gym, ate pirate's booty, sealed all my Christmas cards, made a wreath, watched 2 Christmas movies, and made 3 cookies.  I think the cookies helped.

Enough said.  I always want to change my ways and be a better person; but who says I'm not good enough?  Nobody, just myself.  I was made to be of His perfect image.  I don't think that I'm a bad person or that I'm not a good person, but there are always ways to be better, and I want to be those better ways.  Sometimes I may be too hard on myself and think that I'm not good enough.  Well friends, I am good enough.  David is the number one person in my life who makes me feel that way and with the lack of David, I slip back into my negative thinking.  I'm sure some of you who are reading this feel the same way, not good enough.  But I'm here to reaffirm you that you are!  You are beautiful and special in your own way, and if other people don't see that in you, then they are missing out.  So, if you take nothing from my ramblings, remember, you are enough.

**David Update**

He is doing well.  We didn't chat much yesterday or today, but I know that he is taking a few of his Marines on a run this morning.  Two things he loves, running and Marines.  I'm sure he will have a good morning.

This is a photo that David took while in Afghanistan.  Even though we think of Afghanistan as an ugly country, God still shows his beauty.  

David, I wish you were here to make my grumpy days better.  I miss the way that you can do nothing and instantly I'm in a better mood.  I can't wait for that again.

I'm here, in our dark house, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Monday, November 28, 2011

{missing him}

Well, today's feelings are not unlike any other day.  I miss my husband.  I wish I could just sleep, but I had way too much coffee today.

Needless to say, I was sad to see him leave.  Soon, though, the new year will bring the joy of that day of homecoming.  

David, I wish you were here again.  I miss having you around the house and all up in my face.

I'm here, awake, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

{one comment}

Today was a typical Sunday.  Slept in a tiny bit, got Dunkin Donuts, went to church, stopped by the grocery, then on home to fiddle around doing nothing important.  Tomorrow though, I will start back to the gym and running after 5 days of not doing either!  Then, it's CYBER MONDAY!  I only need a new phone case and some things from Victoria's Secret.  So, that should limit my buying abilities.  I have to show restraint, a little self-control.

I found this quote last night and it hit me to be so true.  Not that it is personal to me lately, but I think it is something that can't be repeated too much.  As humans, our souls are not indestructible.  We can get hurt and things can scar us for a long time, and sometimes forever.  The little things that people say to us or to those we love, can destroy dreams and goals.  A person can be on either side of this situation, you can be the person who talks too much and hurts people's feelings, knowingly or unknowingly, or you can be the one with the hurt soul.  Be careful with your words to people, you never know who you are talking to or how your words will be taken by someone else.  And, remember, you are made in His image and likeness, so how can you not be beautiful and perfect?  You are made they way you were supposed to be.  Stand up and walk tall.  Let no one break you down, you are better than that.  Your spirit is strong and stronger than you know.

**David Update**

All is well with David.  He woke up late today, so he didn't have much time to chat.  I will get an update through e-mail later in the day!

David, I wish you could be here.  I don't like having days where I feel down without you.  So many things are stressing me out.  I know that I can handle all of them by myself, but it would be easier if you were here.  

I'm here, with new slippers, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Saturday, November 26, 2011

{save the date}

Thinking of you.

{remind myself}

Do you ever have those days were you feel like you need to slow down and evaluate your life?  I think I had a brief moment of that today.

It's not that I am changing as a person or I'm becoming someone I don't want to be.  I just need to remind myself of the kind of person I want to be.  I don't want to be messy, I want to be productive, I want to open my mail everyday, I want to be better than I was yesterday.  There are so many things that I want to be all at the same time that sometimes my brain gets all crazy and forgets to do most of it.  I need to align my brain with my actions and goals.  I know that I have a lot of challenges that I give to myself and subsequently you, but I have another.  Get back to being you!  You are awesome and so am I, we just need to remember that.  We are who we are and our loved ones accept us for that, but what are you missing?  Get out, get away, go for a walk.  Think about your life and reorganize it.  Remember who you are and get back to being you.  

**David Update**

We got to speak to each other today!  It wasn't a phone call, but rather a Skype call!  The internet was good there at night, for once, and we got to chat!  He didn't have too much to say about his job, just that it had been slowing down a little bit.  He looks good and with all his gym time he has gained muscle mass!  And he can now bench more than his own weight.  Those are good accomplishments!  So proud of him.  

There's a snapshot from this morning.  I was too excited to hear his voice to focus on getting one good picture, so this is what I got!  At least you get to see some of his room.

This is a photo stolen from David's Ssgt's wife, Carol.  I think these fine looking men are in their chow hall, but I really have no idea.  Afghan BFFs.  

David.  I'm so happy that I got to talk to you today.  I hope I don't bore you, sometimes my relevant conversations seem far from relevant when I think about it later.  

I'm here, with freezing feet, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Friday, November 25, 2011


Today, while on my 5 1/2 hour drive hour, I became infatuated with the idea of being in love with David.  I mean, it's normal to want to love your husband, but seriously, I'm obsessed today!

He is in my heart, in my soul and on my mind.  I love David so much.  I only wish that people who get to be with their loved ones day after day can feel how I feel about my husband and he isn't anywhere near me and won't be home for a long time!  It is crazy.  On the beginning of my drive today I was beginning to wonder if I am going to remember him when he gets back.  How it is to have him sleeping with me, to have him holding me, to feel that warm embrace.  Will I remember all that?  I bet I won't.  I long for all of those things so bad, but I'm loosing how it felt.  It's just nuts.  Today, though, I love this man, the same as I did yesterday and the same as I will tomorrow.  He is all around me all the time.  I miss his presence but know that he remains in the most important place, my heart.  

**David Update**

I haven't gotten to talk to him a lot lately because of my traveling schedule.  He has been e-mailing me off and on all day, so I assume that he is in his office doing more paperwork and in between meetings.  

David, I wish you were here tonight.  I just want to sit and talk and laugh with you all night.  Just like the way we used to be.  I probably won't remember how "we" were when you get back home, but I'm looking forward to having it back so much.

I'm here, not spending money on Black Friday, waiting for you to come home to me. 

I love you David.


Thanksgiving for my mom.

Thanksgiving for great family.

Thanksgiving for wonderful friends.

Thanksgiving for good food.

Thanksgiving for our military.

Thanksgiving for America.

Thanksgiving for my beautiful husband.

Thanksgiving for so many freedoms.

Thanksgiving for vast opportunities.

Thanksgiving to God.

Thanksgiving for our gorgeous country.


I hope that everyone had a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving day.

David, I'm glad that you got to enjoy a bit of Thanksgiving tradition even in a far away country.

I am so proud of what you are doing.  I am here waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Well, today has been a good day!  And it all started with some good coffee!

Beginning last night and ending this morning, within 12 hours of each other, I had 3 large cups of coffee!  Two at home and one from Dunkin Donuts.  Coffee always seems to make the day, or life, better than it was before it.  It can calm me, give me energy, begin my day, or even put me to sleep.  Coffee, as stated above, is always a good idea.  And I plan to begin my day off tomorrow with some more!

Coffee at an old friends house.  A childhood friend of mine, Whitney (or Ren), moved to Charlotte, North Carolina our junior year of high school.  Now that I live in NC, we have reconnected and her parents graciously invited me to their house for Thanksgiving this year.  I have always been around family and these folks are the next best thing.  I can't wait to spend more time with great people and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I will be reminding myself of all the things that I am grateful for.  

**David Update**

David had been out and about for the past day or so doing things, not sure what or where, but working away from his desk nonetheless.  He is doing fine and should be enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving morning in Afghanistan!  

This is a photo from last Thanksgiving of my manly man in his manly pink apron carving our turkey!  I will miss you greatly this year honey!

I have been thinking about you a lot today lately.  Especially on my long drive.  I wish that you could be here with me.

I'm here, waiting to have more coffee and waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{oh jeez}

I am not perfect.  I have many flaws and many things that I don't do well.  I can say that I want to be the best that I can be, but sometimes I fall.  One of my biggest flaws is that I judge.  Not necessarily people that I know, but more so those who I don't know.

Dang.  Mother Teresa.  She had wisdom, and so much of it.  Judging people is so awful.  I know nothing about them or their lives or their personalities or their situations.  Yet, I find myself judging them!  It's so bad of me!  What an ugly quality that I posses.  We are taught to love thy neighbor as thyself.  Neighbor; not only being the person who lives in the house next to you, but anyone.  Every person that we encounter and don't encounter on a daily basis, they are our neighbors.  I need to love others.  Love them and accept them as they are.  No need to change anything about anyone, just love.  I am going to make a short term goal, until the beginning of the new year.  (A short term goal because I'm bad at keeping/remembering long term goals!)  To not judge anyone.  When I find myself judging someone, I'm either going to do something nice for that person or give them compliments.  It is going to be difficult to remember, but if I set my mind to it I can do it!  You should try it too!  There are only 5 weeks (ish) left in the year.  Plenty of time to build the habit of loving instead of judging.  Wish me luck and I wish all of you the best of luck!

**David Update**

No update.  I haven't talked to him yesterday or today.  I hope that all is well on his business trip.  Safe travels to him and all his Marines.  

Oh, he just looks so confused!!  Love that man.  (Look how wrinkly his forehead is!  HaHa!!)

David, I can't wait to talk to you again.  I've missed you over the past 2 days.  

I'm here, drinking coffee at 8PM, waiting for you to come home to me!

I love you David.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

{more fortunate}

As I look around my house tonight and realize all the things that I have I can only be thankful.  I have nice, new furniture, food in my fridge and pantry, a floor full of nice gifts for friends and family, electricity that works, running water, and a house that's almost too big for David and I.  My list can go on and on.  During this week of Thanksgiving I am even more aware of how lucky I am to have grown up in America and be in the situation that I am.

I know that that is a lot to read, but I hope that you read it all.  If you didn't, scroll back up and read it.  Sometimes we take things for granted.  We don't realize how good we truly have it.  You might not love your life as much as you should, but we are so lucky to be where we are. There was a couple in front of me at the grocery today getting a free Thanksgiving dinner thanks to WIC and the Salvation Army.  I couldn't even be upset that the line was taking so long, because it warmed my heart so much that they get to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner like I do.  Sometimes, well, a lot, I think that I need more things, that I want to have the  coolest thing, or just another gadget, I don't remember to be thankful for what I already have.  I need to remember that God has blessed me with a beautiful life.  I also need to constantly remind myself to give to others.  That I need to dedicate free time and energy to serving others.  So my challenge for today, for you and myself, is to be thankful everyday of every month; not just one day or week out of the year.  I have so many blessings and need to remember to just simply say thank you.  

**David Update**

I don't have much of an update today.  Last night when I asked him what his days have been like lately, he said that he has been working, eating and working out.  So, I guess nothing too exciting lately!  

David, I am thankful that you risk your life to provide for me, to provide the opportunity of safety for others, to simply provide opportunities to a nation who is deprived of that.  I am thankful for all that you do for me, your family, your friends, Americans, and the people of Afghanistan.  

I am here, being thankful for all my blessings, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

{it goes on}

As you all know by now, my life is a perpetual goal to be better.  To be a better person, a better friend, a better daughter, a better wife, just all around better.  I have not been very good at productivity lately.  I feel like I am always behind where I want to be and that there are always so many things to do.

I think that Robert Frost has it all right.  No matter what has happened in your day, life will continue.  Whether you are missing someone to a deployment, you fight with your parents, you aren't popular, you feel out of place, you don't have great friends, not matter what, we were meant to live on.  To continue our lives tomorrow, and the next day and the next.  Today might have been a bad day, yesterday might have been bad, but make tomorrow better.  Just because something isn't going right or you are feeling bogged down, doesn't mean you have to waste energy being in a bad mood.  Make it a better day, just be better.  

**David Update**

I GOT TO TALK TO HIM ON THE PHONE!  Yay!  Third phone call of this deployment!  I love hearing his voice.  Knowing that he isn't multi-tasking to talk to me and that this time was dedicated only for me is the best feeling in the world.  He called at 0100 and I hung up the phone call the first time!  I'm not used to weird numbers calling me in the middle of the night, so I hung up.  He called me immediately back and started our conversation with "Did you just hang up on me?  I can't believe you hung up on me!?"  Oh dear, welcome to my life.  I don't even remember what he had to say!  I just remember telling him lots of non-important things, like I got curtains!  Oh well.  When I talk to him tonight, I will be sure to get the scoop on what he has been up to.  

David, sorry about the hang up last night.  It was beyond amazing to hear your voice last night.  Feel free to call me anytime!  

I'm here, with my infected finger, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

{it's real}

So, Tina and I ran another 5k this morning and beat our time from last time by 4 minutes!  Then we tried to go shopping only to find out the the largest road in Jacksonville had been shut down for a parade!  What do you do then?  Well,  park and watch the parade of course!  After the parade and some shopping, I headed home for an afternoon of movie watching, candy eating and Christmas present wrapping!  With all my presents wrapped and ready to go, I am cold and longing for David's warmth.  He is the space heater for our home, he is always hot!  Yet another day down missing David.

I miss that man.  I promise my sappy love quotes will be over soon.  I have to move on to something other than missing David every night!  But, on a serious note, how do you know when your soul longs for something?  Is it an ache, a constant thought about that something, or just a hunch?  I think it's a constant inner need for someone or something.  Not that you are physically needing something, but a feeling much deeper.  One that you can't explain, you only know if you can feel it.  I think that you can long for someone, something, somewhere, or just an overall peace.  My soul longs for many things.  Thank goodness God built my heart large enough to house all those needs and extra space too!  Because of this longing that my heart and soul have for David, I can confidently say that our love, it's real.  

**David Update**

I haven't spoken to him today.  Sorry, no update today.

David, I'm cold and need you to put my chilly feet on!  

I'm here, in our cold house, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

{every day}

I had dinner to celebrate a fellow wife, Teri's, birthday at Angela's (another wife) house.  Angela was saying that she is missing her man more and more the past two days.  I am right there with her.  I'm not sure if I am missing David more as time goes on or if I'm just more aware of the emptiness left behind.  It's a tough call.  The more of my life that he misses and the more of his life that I miss, I get lonelier and sadder (if that's a real word, sounds fishy).  We are missing an entire 7 months of each others' lives.  It's so crazy, and not only our two lives, but life as he knew it when he left.  Nothing will stand still and wait, things happen and people move on.  I'm sad for that too, that when he gets back life will be so different in so many ways, maybe not drastic ways, but different nonetheless.  And the emptiness.  I don't want to say the emptiness that he left behind because that's not fair, but the emptiness in my house and in my life.  It's that void that I talked about before that nothing can fill, and in a weird way, I don't want it to be filled.

There are so many things on a daily basis that I want David for.  I want all that back.  I am hopeful though.  One day I will have the man that I chose to marry back.  He will be my all and my everything once more.  

**David Update**

I have not been able to talk to David today.  I'm sure he is busy with work and will send an e-mail when he has time.  

David, I miss you again tonight.  The stars are SO bright here, you would love it.  I'm sure they are spectacular in the middle of nowhere Afghanistan on those clear nights.  

I am here, in our heated bed, waiting for you to come back home to me.

I love you David.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Still in the mood to miss my husband a lot today.  Today wasn't so busy.  Went to the gym, went home, napped, watched HGTV (again), and ran some laundry.  Now I'm babysitting the neighbor kids while their parents attend the Marine Corps Ball!  I hope that they are having a blast!  Happy Birthday! 

I want to have this t-shirt so bad.  If you know where I can get it please let me know.  I miss David so much again today.  Constantly on my mind.  So many times I just wanted to talk to him.  Have you ever had that longing for someone that you can't have?  That's what I feel like.  I know that the next month and a half should fly by quickly, but I've never done the holidays married.  Well, I've never done the holidays married and with the absence of my husband.  I am sure to be sad and cry several times.  Then the light should appear in my tunnel, I should see the light!  It will be the new year and in the spring I will get my husband back! 

**David Update**

Neither one of us had much time to chat today.  David did write me an e-mail saying that he felt like today was the first day in a while that he wasn't completely swamped at work.  He had some down time!  One of his Marines built a shelf for him (which he was impressed by) and he got a new bag for convoys in the mail today!  That's all I have to report. 

A special thanks to Carol today for this picture!  It is her husband, David's Ssgt and BFF, and David!

What handsome men we have!!

Honey, I just want to love you. 

I'm here, still sad and lonely, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Tonight, I'm tired of being lonely.  I would like my husband to come back home.  I know that he can't, but tonight I want to be selfish.

I have this.  I have all of this with David.  I just want to have it now.  If you have this with someone, cherish it dearly.  You never know when that person won't be there for you.  Cherish that person today, for me, so that someone is getting this feeling.  It's the best in the world and I wouldn't want you to miss out on it.

**David Update**

David hasn't been doing too much exciting, a lot of working out and writing statements and awards.  He said that he has put on 5 pounds (of muscle) since he's been there!  

Honey, I'm tired.  Tired of being lonely.

I'm here, waiting impatiently for you to come home to me.

I miss you.

I love you David.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well, today was unproductive to say the least.  I went to the gym, worked my legs, then came home, drank some chocolate milk, had some pirate's booty (a delicious snack food), watched HGTV for a while, and passed out!!  2-2/12 hours later, woke up and had more pirate's booty and watched more HGTV!  Then realized I had been lazy all day so I hooked up my new shower head.  I can't believe that I only did one productive thing today!  Oh well, welcome to my life!

I seriously love this quote.  Do you ever wake up and think "I can't do this today", or doubt your ability to accomplish something?  Ugh, I think this often!  How do I let my mind slip into thinking that I can't do things, or that I can't face the world?  I wasn't raised that way, I haven't been taught this thought, but it happens anyway.  Is self doubt something that is learned?  Or just a constant lack of belief in yourself?  I would love to be able to say that I am a 100% self-confident person, but I can honestly tell you that I am not.  I feel as though a lot of my life is self improvement.  I don't think this is a bad trait for myself, as long as the improvement is not only for the good of myself, but for the good of others.  If I can learn to demonstrate self confidence, then maybe others will see it and start to believe in themselves as well.  I can do whatever I set my mind to.  Whether it means that I need to ask for help or can accomplish it on my own, I will get it done.  I challenge you, and myself, that today or tomorrow you do not doubt yourself, whatever is asked of you or whatever you need to do, do it.  Do it with pride and show your self confidence.  Is there something that you can been putting off doing or dreading to do?  Well, now is the time.  Get up, go out and do it.  If you don't have anything that you've been putting off, then go do for others.  While believing in ourselves, we need ot have faith in others as well.  Do good, for you and for others.  

**David Update**

I haven't spoken to David yet today.  I'm sure his day started early and he is working out or eating breakfast right about now.  You know, Marine stuff!

This awful photo was taken from last night's Skype conversation.  

David, I know I said that you should call more often, but don't think that I don't appreciate all your time that you give me.  I am grateful and thankful that you take as much time as you can out of your day to chat with me.  I love you so much and wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.  You are good for me and keep my needy self grounded.  Thank you.

I am here, getting fat on pirate's booty, waiting for you to come home to me.  

Tomorrow, I will accomplish those things I have been putting off.  Our house will be ready for you.

I love you David.  

Monday, November 14, 2011


The two months down celebration continued today with 2 scoops of ice cream and a new coffee mug!  Okay, NOW, I have to stop spending money before we go broke!  I miss David most days, but days like today where I think I have to start manual labor around the house I miss him the most.  Tomorrow I have to change our shower head, if I don't the water will continue to spray OVER the shower curtain and onto the rest of my bathroom.  Stupid shower...

I think most days I am grateful for the life that I have, but some days, it just stinks.  In all reality though, I don't have a bad life, I was raised by the best single mother in the world, I always had enough to eat, I got a GREAT education, married a loving man, live in a super nice beach house and have enough money.  I think I got it pretty good.  Sometimes I let little silly things get the best of me and begin to not appreciate my life.  I need to work on that.  My problems are always first world problems, like bugs in my house, no low-fat milk on sale, it's too hot in my house, and I'm not hungry for any of the food I have in my pantry.  There are people in the world, in our towns and cities who have it much worse than I do.  I challenge you, and myself, that every time we want to complain about our lives that we say a quick thank you prayer for everything we have been given.  I'm not saying it's not okay to complain, because some days just warrant it.  Just be thankful today, for today.  Be thankful for life, your life.  Be thankful for the sun shining down.  Be thankful to still be breathing.  Be thankful for others.  Be thankful for love.  

**David Update**

Not too much to report about David today.  He finished a ten-page award for his Marines yesterday.  That's about it, more eating, more working out and more meetings. 

Honey, I am here, thankful for everything that you are doing for me.  

I can't wait to have you back in our home.

I love you David.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

{two months}

Congratulations to all my fellow wives for two months down!  I celebrated with 2 things from Dunkin Donuts this morning, coffee and a donut, two movies rented, Something Borrowed and Horrible Bosses, and two pizzas with my dear friend Jim.

I think that is quote is very fitting for today.  As wives, we may not know very much of what our husbands do, and if we do know, we may not understand.  There are good days without them and there are definitely bad days.  We never know when we will hear from them, what they will say or what they won't say.  We can become frustrated with them and be so elated to get their hand written letters or phone calls.  It's just a few months full of waiting, confusion, stress, and so much anxiety.  We must keep in our minds that we married these men for a reason, we love them more than anything.  Even through these crazy months we must push on and move forward.  There will be light at the end of the tunnel, it's just not in our sights yet.  One day, very soon, we will be able to see that light and have that glorious homecoming day. 

Ladies, you are stronger than you know and I admire and look up to you all so much. Thank you.

**David Update**

I haven't heard from him yet today.  I'm sure that his day was filled with paperwork, meetings, working out, and eating.  If you haven't, you should send a letter or some MotoMail!  He loves to hear from friends and family back home!

This is what a lot of our conversations look like, except I can't normally see his face!  Haha, oh well, it's SO much better than nothing!

David, even through all the confusion and lack of knowledge about your life, I love you regardless.  I married you for a reason and can't wait to begin our married life.

I am here, with my leftover pizza, waiting for you to come home to me.  

I love you David.  

Saturday, November 12, 2011

{david's words}

Today's quote is not from a famous author or the Bible, rather someone near and dear to my heart.  I forgot, that yesterday, in lieu of Veteran's Day, that I was going to share some words with you from a letter that David wrote to me.  David had been on a multi-day convoy somewhere and every couple of hours or days he would write me a little something.  Here is part of his letter:

"Being a Marine is a mentality.  It is not a look, it is not a skill, it is not something you are given.  It is earned and it is an inner belief, or pride in your ability and a desire to be the best and outshine everyone.  We typically look a little better and act a little bit more professional, but those are offshoots or products of that mentality.  It comes in pride, in our job and how we represent ourselves and our country in the best manner possible."

I can only admire David for his commitment and dedication to his job.  He sees it as more than a job, more than something that pays the bills and supports his family, it's a way of life.  We grow as humans in our "professions", we are students, we are workers, we are brothers, we are mothers, we are friends, but few of us get to call ourselves Marines.  David is one of those few, those proud.  He loves what he is doing.  Maybe not being away from home, but leading others who have the same calling and love of their country, and in the belief that they can and will do whatever is asked of them at any given moment; and when they are asked, they will do it, they will accomplish and go above and beyond.  It's his job, his duty, his mentality, to be the best and to lead the best.  Oorah!

Kyle (Driver), David(Plt. Commander), Brandon (240B Gunner)
Zach -- dual citizen (David's Interpreter) 

**David Update**

David is still hanging out at Camp LNK.  He said that everyone has been really happy because of their recent birthday.  He has been working out, running and writing awards for his Marines.  These awards are for actions of his Marines during their last mission and another for one individual Marine who has shown an unbelievable work ethic and who produces quality results.   

David, I've missed you a lot today.  So many times today when I've wished you were here with me.  I can't wait to be with you again.

I'm here, with my cup of hot tea, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Friday, November 11, 2011

{thankful veteran's day}

Happy Veteran's Day!  Why do we say "Happy" before every holiday?  Is it to wish the people you are talking to a good day?   That their holiday is filled with joy?  I would imagine that that is the answer.  Now, on Veteran's Day, is it about having a day filled with joy or is it about being thankful?  So, I would like to wish you a very Thankful Veteran's Day.

I LOVE this quote!  I'm not sure where this sign was hung, I found it on the internet.  Re-read this saying and insert a veteran's name (who you know) for the words "American Soldier".  How much more personal did that make it?  I hope that when you wished people a Happy (or Thankful) Veteran's Day today, you thought of those you know and those you don't know.  All of our American soldiers fighting for your personal freedom must be thanked, not only today, but throughout the year.  Thank them today if you haven't yet, and thank their families for making their sacrifice for you too.  May God bless every one of our soldiers as they have defended and are still defending our right to freedom and to live in the United States of America. 

**David Update**

Nothing too crazy about David today.  I talked to him yesterday and he said that he was catching up on paperwork finally!  Yay!  Less stress for David.  Here is a picture of him from yesterday!

I think he is looking skinny, but I guess he has always been a skinny one.  

David, thank you for all you do for me and for the rest of our country.  I am thankful for each and every one of your Marines and what they are doing for us.  

I miss you and can't wait for you to come home!  

I love you David.  

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Happy 236th Birthday Marines!

"... indomitable spirit, unconditional compassion, fierce national pride, and unshakable resolve..."

Watching with tears in my eyes, I feel a strong sense of pride in my country, our corps and my husband.  To hear the stories of Pearl Harbor and the tragedy of 9/11 brought to life again, I can only be so proud of my husband.  In his ability to lead and his ability to serve.  In all these stories I can insert David's name or the name of any Marine I know, and never doubt that they would have served with the same honor and commitment as these men.  These men and women who call themselves Marines and who we place there with the highest honor, are serving our country with the same conviction that those Marines 70 years ago.  I am proud to say that I am married to a United States Marine.

As I think about the dedication that our Marines show to our country, I can only begin to cry.  Most of us may never understand their commitment.  I am thankful for all Marines and the families that support their dedication.  I would like to extend a very Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps, from my family to yours.  Oorah!

I love you David and I'm ever proud of you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

{looking hot}

True story of my day.  Today I attended 2D Tank Bn. Jane Wayne day.  I got to ride in a tank, an AAV (amphibious assault vehicle), shot 2 machine guns (M4 and SAW), then learned a little MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts).  It was AWESOME!  I must say I did look pretty good today! 

This is a shout out for all the wives who look hot on a daily basis and our poor husbands only get to stare at each other!  

Here are a few photos, up close, of the MRAP, the vehicle that David rides in while out on convoys.  Just to give you an idea of where he has to sit for days on end without getting out of his vehicle.  

**David Update**

He is good.  He is back on his gym/workout schedule and back to running.  He didn't have anything else exciting to tell me today, so I'm assuming it's the normal. 

David, this should make you proud...

Honey, I can't wait for you to come home.  

I'm here waiting for you and thinking about you all day long.

I love you David.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

{be patient}

Today was a crazy day of shopping.  Outlet mall, too much money spent and 7 hours in a car.  What a day.

I have been thinking of my life today and how crazy it always seems to be.  My friend Katy pointed out that I have been always in some strange situation and my life lately is no different.  Recently, I haven't been worried about David.  I have been confident in his abilities as a Marine and the abilities of his Marines to do their job and do it well.  Even from the eminent threat of danger that they encounter on any given day, I am not worried about him.  Yes, in the back of my mind there is always that thought, the unspoken one.  Am i strange for that?  Do wives think this way?  Or are they always worried?  Should I switch to being worried?  That would seem like wasted energy, which we all know I can't stand.

I am thankful for the time that David and I get to talk to each other, so grateful.  All day I want to be able to talk to him, like he is home and share with him all the little things that I have to say.  I have to be patient.  He will be back soon.

Your life might be exactly like mine or totally different from mine, but be patient.  There is a plan.  We might not understand is now or tomorrow, but it will end great.  And, never, never stop praying, for the good and help with the bad.  When in doubt, fall to your knees.  

**David Update**

I was lucky enough to briefly talk to David online today.  He said that his past few days have been filled with lots and lots of paperwork and long days.  David says that when he is "out of the office" for a while, the amount of paperwork that he comes back to is unreal.  After a long stressful day, he had a cigar, which was left by another Lt., with another Marine.  He said is was a good way to wind down at the end of the day.  I am thankful that he still has the ability to wind down.  Here is a recent photo of him off Skype, still looking good!

Again, with the weird faces, still his same old weird self!!

David, it is amazing to talk to you.  I cherish our brief minutes.

I'm here, with my new purse, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

{wasted energy}

Well, today started out bad.  I woke up and got an e-mail that got my blooding kickin' at 0730.  Ugh, too early to waste what little energy I had being mad.  Now, at the end of the day, yes I should have been mad, but I can't stay mad.  I can't dwell upon being mad.  It takes too much energy to get that angry and be that angry for so long.  I found this quote a while ago and just thought it was cute.  Today it speaks louder to me than before.  It gives me other things to spend my energy on other than being mad and holding a grudge.  

It's so sad that I waste so much energy on things that aren't going to make me a better person or get me into heaven!  They almost seem like rules to life.  So, go ahead.  Try these!  I think my life will be better if I live by them and yours will be too!  

**David Update**

He is back at LNK at the moment.  He didn't tell me what he is doing now that he's back, but I'm positive it consists of eating, working out and having meetings.  When I was chatting with him, David said that he was taking this new pre-workout drink that he is pretty sure has cocaine in it.  Haha, he said that because it makes me super hyper at first.  Oh dear.   

Here is another picture from Afghanistan.  Looking pretty good boys!  They are standing in front of an MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle), it is what David rides.  

David, even though I'm wasting precious energy, I'm still here, loving you more and more.  

I can't wait for you to come home and be my best friend again.  I miss you everyday.

I love you David.  

Sunday, November 6, 2011


So, I have this problem.  I like to be funny.  Sometimes, being mean is funny.  So, sometimes, I want to be mean...sometimes I have hilarious things waiting to come out of my mouth.  I struggle with this.  I know that I shouldn't be mean to people, it's not really nice to break people down just because you want to make others laugh.  So, instead, I will just read things that are mean, but hilarious.  Like this one, funny, mean, but directed at no one!  The best kind of funny-mean!

Oh, so funny.

**David Update**

HE'S BACK!  My handsome, awesome platoon commander is back!  He is such a beast!  I don't know what he was doing except "running a mission", but that's okay, he is back and everyone is safe!  I have been asking to see a picture of his platoon and he sent this one.  This was taken of his platoon and a few added Marines at the destination location of their last mission.  This photo makes by heart bleed pride.  I love this man and his passion for his job.  He was beaming with that same pride when he sent it to me.  

David is second, left of the flag, kneeling. His Ssgt, and right hand man, is the last one on the left, kneeling.  Don't they all look pretty BA?  Well, that's because they are!  I love all of them and am so proud of each and every one of them!

What a wonderful way to end my day; to hear from my husband.

Honey, I'm here, being so proud of you.  I love hearing that you are in your element and love your job.  

I'm still waiting for you to come home though!

I love you David.