This word has so many meanings, especially in my life, -- You want me to do what? Seriously? -- I want to only eat chocolate for dinner, seriously. -- Seriously, that was the truth. -- I use this word often. I, in fact, love this word because of it's various meanings. I haven't shared myself with you in a while and I think it's time to bring it back. Time for me to vent, rant, hurt, love, live. Sometimes the world can blow my mind. If you know me, you know that I perpetually strive to be happier, to bring joy to other people lives, simply, to make the world a better place. I don't need to make a global impact on society, I just want to make one person's life better or to bring one smile a day.
You're bringing me down, seriously.

I love my husband, I love the way he provides for me, I love the way he treats me, I love the fun we have together, I love what he stands for, I love that he loves me. I am secure in my marriage and know that we are meant to be together. That being said, I like to have friends. Younger friends, older friends, male friends, female friends, group hang-outs, or one-on-one dinners, I
love to have friends. I think this is due to my personality. I feed off of social interaction, positive social interaction. Lately it seems as if my personality is giving the wrong impression.
I am not cheating on my husband, I am not sleeping with that guy on the side, I am not having an affair with your husband, I am luring anyone in, I am not!

I wish that people would get to know me better instead of jumping to conclusions and spreading gossip. I used to (well, still do) get mad at people when I would hear these rumors but I think that my mind has to make a shift. My mama taught me to love, and to love with all you have. Love people for who they are and the joy that they can bring to my life. She was right, friends are about happiness. Love can bring that happiness. I love my friends for so many different reasons. I have to assume (yikes, never do that!) that these people might be insecure about themselves, in their own marriage, in their life, about their image, or they just aren't happy people; that's why these rumors seem to be the topic of discussion for them. I have to pray that they find peace in their souls, that they learn how they can become happy.

So, if you see me post pictures with other men, it's just friendly love. If you see me out in town having dinner, I just want to hang out with that friend. If you even begin to think negative thoughts about my friendships, stop. Just stop right there. You clearly don't know me and my name shouldn't be in your mouth. Leave me be. I'm happy. You need to find your own happiness. I wish you did know me...ask me about it...let's go to lunch...get to know me. I've let this bring me down long enough and now it's out there. I hope all you haters read this, I hope you want to get to know me better, I hope that you want to be happy.
~Be Happy~