Ah....life at home with my husband. It is great not to be traveling or having visitors, just to be at home and begin to live our life as
normal as possible.
Last week I went on a rural mission trip to Vinton Co., Ohio with my hometown parish. Everyday we would have lunchtime reflections. One afternoon's question was "What would you do if God completely changed
your plans? Could you let go of what you have planned?" WOW! What a tough question to ask high school students, but maybe even harder to ask an adult. As I began to reflect on the question for myself, I realized that I have given it up. I go with the flow, I don't fight life anymore to make it fit my mold.
My life is not actually mine. It's a weird realization, that I as a military wife, had to come to. It's very hard to have concrete dreams and accomplishments when you are bound to move every couple years. My life, our lives (military wives), are not normally dictated by what we want to do or where we want to go. We are told where to live and when to move there. Our lives are driven by the military, or Marine Corps. in my case, and our spouses are living their dreams and goals. We are so in love with them, that we actually, in a sense, give up everything of our own to stand by the side of the bravest men we know. So what do I do? Just sit by idly? Waiting for something great to happen? Well, no, because it probably won't! I can be as proactive as I want, but if what I want isn't in my cards, then it won't happen. All of my happiness will be created by David and I and what we make of our lives.
I have to live happily. Try to find work and friends and be the best wife I can be. Good things will come. I just have to wait and bide my time until it's my turn. So, my friends, my advice to you is to roll with the punches. If it's meant to happen it will and if it's not, it won't.
This is a photo from our 'Homecoming' shoot! SO glad to have him back and be in his arms.
~Do Good and Live Happy~