Friday, March 30, 2012

{from david}

Here is an e-mail that I received from David from not too long ago.  We were talking about how he feels about leaving Afghanistan.

"I am honestly just happy I am going to bring all my Marines home unharmed, for the most part. Alive. Such a relief. didn't realize how much it stressed me out until I realized how happy I was to be back inside Camp LNK. No more trips outside the wire, out with the Taliban. I'll be home in one piece, and so will the Marines."

I think this simple e-mail speaks so loudly about the type of man that David is.  Not that he feels like he personally impacted the war, not that he is did a good job and got awards, but rather that he was responsible for the safety and lives of other men and women, and in that responsibility, he succeeded.  David is a good man and I hope that he boss feels the same way about him as David does about his Marines.  

We're so proud of you all!

**David Update**

I think that David and his Marines are in their last stages of getting ready to come back home to the states!  They will be here within the next 30 days!  

David, I say this not because I am married to you, but because I appreciate and admire someone with good character; You are a one of a kind man, you have made an impact on people's lives and all of their families, those Marines, and their families, hopefully know how lucky they are to have someone like you.  

I'm here, so very tired, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm sure that all of you wives know what I'm talking about when I say that I just want my husband back.  I just want him around.  I want him to be here for everything that happens, I want him to be here so that I can tell all my stupid stories to him, I want him here to protect me while I sleep.  It's crazy how we can get used to life without them and function normally on our own, but in a split second, we want them back.  We need them here. They are our lives, they are part of our souls.  We miss them like we would miss a limb, that are innately a part of us. 

**David Update**

Still no word!  I hope that all is well in the Stan!

David, I'm so ready to have you home.  I miss everything about you.  

I'm here, on the hammock, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

{perpetual happiness}

I'm back on my kick (that actually never went away) of always being happy and finding ways to be happy.  When I'm in a funk for a day or two, I hate it!  I love being happy and surrounding myself with happy and fun people.  I will be trying to find a way to always be in a good mood, and when I find the answer, I will share it with you! 

Love this shot of pure happiness!!

I found this list and think that a lot of them do apply to being happy!

Let's talk about these:

1.  Accept it!  When things don't go your way or you don't like the way life is happening, shrug your shoulders and say "well, it happened" and move on!  Deal with the problem.  It's not always about fixing life, it's about living the life that you are handed.

2. Ugh, get rid of those people!  Don't let them drag you down!  Don't let them suck you into their drama and negativity!  Free yourself!

3. DUH!  We just talked about this.....DANCE!

4. Oh man.  Running.  I will say that it's not my favorite thing in the world, but it does give you a sense of accomplishment.  BUT, a nice relaxing walk will do the same thing!  Get outside and enjoy the environment!

5.  I love phone calls.  I love talking to the very best of my friends.  If you haven't had a phone conversation for 30 minutes or longer recently, get to it!  Laugh, tell unimportant stories, get advice, give advice, reconnect.  

6.  I have said it before and will say it again, you never know whose day you might make a little brighter, whose life you might change.

7.  Send a note, a text, a FB message to someone today.  Brighten their day and you will feel better too!  

8.  We all have faults, we all have parts of our bodies we hate, parts of our mind we hate, things that we would change.  Get those out of your head!  Focus on the good things and perfect them, eventually the bad things will phase themselves out!

9.  Take some time for yourself!  I just did that and cried my eyes out for 2 solid hours while watching "P.S., I love you".  What's your favorite movie?  Dig it out and snuggle up on your couch!

10.  You.  Are.  A.  Maz.  Ing.  Remember that.  I hope and pray that you have someone in your life to tell you that.  If you don't, you let me know.  I know that each and every one of you is beautiful.  I love you.

*David Update**

I have no idea!  I haven't heard from David today.  As you are aware, that could mean a multitude of various things.  We'll see!  He is coming home SO SOON!

David, you make my life happier and constantly remind me that I am beautiful inside and out.  

I'm here, impatiently waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

{team tankk}

Team TANKK is the name that my neighbors and I have made for our little family!  Tonight was great!  I took the girl to gymnastics, then we had a nice spaghetti dinner, then this happened...

Yupp, that's me, then the 10 year old girl...the 12 year old boy...and riding high is the baby!  They have kept me afloat during the deployment and I owe much to their family.  I love them and am glad that they were placed in my life.  Such great times!

**David Update**

I have no update!  I haven't heard from him today!  I'm sure he is working out and doing paperwork per the usual!

David, you need to come home.  So many fun things happening without you!  Hurry!!

I'm here, sweaty from fun, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Monday, March 26, 2012


Well folks, David will be home within the next few weeks.  Our 7 month deployment is coming to an end and I can say I'm not sad to see it go.  I have made some amazing friends, had some great times and found my place here in NC.  With all that said, I miss my husband.  I, as well as everyone else, missed their loved one.  I miss him everyday and every night.  I'm still not to the excited point yet.  I don't think that will come for me until I'm standing on that lawn and the buses roll around the corner and I can see his face.  Right now, I'm anticipating relief.  Relief of just being together again, to not be on my own, to not sleep alone.  Relief that I don't have to sit in my car because I don't want to go be in this house by myself.  I'm relieved to have my life back.

**David Update**

Congratulations to my newly promoted husband, 1st Lieutenant Cook!  

David, it will be so nice to have you back home. 

I'm here, tired of being alone, waiting for you to come back home.  

I love you David   

Sunday, March 25, 2012

{family time}

My mom and brother left this morning on their way back to Ohio.  As crazy as my mother (and brother) can drive me sometimes it was good to have them in town.  I am glad that my old family got to meet my new family here in NC.  I love when my worlds get to collide, I wish I could have my old life and my new life together!  I want to have my life and eat it too!  I have a wonderful life.

I love my life.  Sometimes I complain about it and think it can't get worse, but in the end, I still love it.  I am surrounded by wonderful people and am constantly on a mission to be happy.  I want you to love your life too.  I want you to constantly be on a mission to be happy.  I love you and wish you a lifetime worth of happiness. 

**David Update**

I got a phone call from David today!  It was great to hear his voice.  He said that all is well in Afghanistan.  DAVID GETS PROMOTED TOMORROW!  He will be 1st Lt. Cook!  So proud!

David, I'm proud of you.

I'm here, so exhausted, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

{more happiness}

I like being positive.  I like smiling.  I like dancing.  I like improving.  I like my religion.  I like being me.  I like feeling comfortable in my skin.  I like being happy.

I think I need this on a t-shirt, on a print in my house, or even written across my forehead.  These are some great principles to live our lives by.  All of them good in nature and will make you pure of heart.  Live by these rules and assuredly you will be happier!  People will me more attracted to you and you will love you more!  Isn't it amazing that such simplistic ideals can change our lives?  How one smile, one thank you, one giggle, one act of love can change someone's day, or even life?  You are touching people's lives everyday and you might not even know it!  Be the best that you can be, and I will be too.  

**David Update**

Our communication has been short since his availability to the internet is less frequent than it has been.  David did say that all is well with him and that he advanced to the next level of MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts).  Congratulations!  2 days till promotion!

David, I'm so proud of you and everything that you have done and are doing.  I can't wait to have you back as a part of my life.  

I'm here, hanging out with my mama, waiting for you to come back home.

I love you David.  

Friday, March 23, 2012


Do you love to dance like I do?  I mean, really love it?  Gotta do it all the time?  Busting moves in your car...while sitting....and you still look good?  I can totally relate!  As I was blaring Lupe Fiasco in my bedroom tonight dancing around like a fool, it hit me; am I ever going to get too old or tired of dancing around like a freak?  I mean, I get it, to the point I could pop a joint with any given move.  I'm not going to say I'm a bad dancer, I'm going to say I'm a phenomenal dancer.

I think that tomorrow you should just break into dance.  Randomly.  When you need it the most.  Maybe you need a pick me up or maybe you're in a great mood and just need to interpret your mood to everyone else (through dance, duh).  I promise you that when you do bust it out (or even think about it, because you're too chicken to actually do it) you will be in a better mood instantaneously!  Put your favorite song in your headphones, on your house stereo, in your car, and dance.  Make yourself sweat!  This is a key to a happy life.  If you need a great song, use this one, it's been my obsession for days now...


I'm just saying, you will be dancing... Have fun!!

**David Update**

Since David does not have internet in his barracks, we communicate much less than we did prior to the move to the tent.  We haven't talked today, I hope and pray that all is well in Afghanistan!

David....I know you will be dancing, I don't even doubt your dancer (next to me, of course)!

I'm here, with a little Lupe Fiasco, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

{my friends}

I have made some great friends here in NC.  I can't wait for my worlds to collide!  David will get to meet all my friends very shortly!  I'm excited that he will get to know what my life has been like and who has been filling it for months now.

My heart is big and I have filled it with friends.  Friends who need me and friends who I need.  Life is filled with two-way streets and these streets have treated me well.  I fit with all my friends in all difference capacities.  Some friends fill everything and some fill just a part, but even the smallest part is so important.  

**David Update**

Now that he is in the tent instead of his old barracks, I will hear less from his.  He sent me a quick e-mail from his office today saying that he was catching up on work and has gotten a lot accomplished.  

David, come home.  I love my friends and can't wait for you to meet them.  They have no idea how wonderful of a person you are!  I hope that they still want to be my friend after they meet you!!

I'm here, with wine, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So, as you all know I have made my deployment to-do list several times, well it has been made again.  But here's my problem.  I think too much!!

Most of you were probably raised, as I was, to know that thinking is critical in life.  Well, in my life, thinking can sometimes be dangerous.  It leads me to problems I didn't even think I had!  Once I have created more problems and more to-dos for myself, I totally begin to stress more than I was in the first place!  My mind creates this vicious cycle for myself all the time.  My brain is nuts and I'm not sure that it will ever change!  I wish I could think less and just do more sometimes.  Everything that I finish, I have come up with 7 more projects that need to be accomplished.  This is just crazy, but thank goodness that my mother (who is definitely as crazy, if not crazier than myself) will be here tomorrow to help with my life!  Love her!

**David Update**

None!  I haven't heard from him.  Please keep David and all Marines of GSMT in your thoughts and prayers!

David, I can't believe that you can even put up with my crazy head!  I can't barely keep up!

I'm here, with a LONG list, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Needless to say, I'm a little particular about things in my life and my life in general.  I like things to happen a certain way, I like things to be set a certain way and I like things to go in my order.  Whether you can see it about me or not, deep inside I'm a little OCD (self-prescribed).  Not many people in my life completely get me and put up with my craziness.

These people in my life who totally get me, I will say that it's true love.  I love these relationships.  People who know everything little thing that makes me cringe and prevent it, they are my true lovers!

One of these people is my husband!

(giraffe neck)

**David Update**

I haven't heard from him today.  I hope all is well in the Stan!

David, come home.  You know me so well and put up with all my craziness!  I need that back!

I'm here, with dry hands, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

{cousin time}

Just got home from a little trip to Wilmington to pick up one of the cousins!  This is the kick-off to the crazy couple months I am about to have.  Let the good times begin!

You just never know where he might pop up... :)

**David Update**

I got to speak with David on the phone today!  He is good, but still working hard!  He had a meeting with a higher officer about his career and goals and that went well, he also was moved out of his barracks into the tent.  The tent is sleeping quarters for those who are on their way out of country!  Yay!  

David, I wish you could be here to hang out with the cousin and I, but we will have lots of fun in your honor!

I'm here, so tired, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Sunday, March 18, 2012


David, thank you for the margarita maker, almost the best gift ever.  Tonight was the first night that I busted it out, and it was amazing!  You put the ice in, the liquid in and hit a button...magic.  It was so dreamy!  My neighbor, the kids and I sat on the porch, drank margs and had dinner from the local Mexican joint!  What a great end to a beautiful Sunday.

I think it's about time to get creative about my life.  My life is about to be non-stop busy until the end of May. I need to decide what's important in my life and what my goals for our life when David gets back.  I need to keep the good friends close and try to keep my head above water.  I know myself and I tend to get overwhelmed and anxious easily.  The me that I will try to be creating over the next few months is the Kristin who handles her stress while the rest of the world doesn't even know she's stressed!  Please wish me luck!

**David Update**

I haven't heard from him yet today, but here is another photo from Afghanistan. 

David, can't wait to have you back!!

I'm here, full of margaritas, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

{more from the stan}

Happy Saint Patrick's day! Mine was filled with working at the EI festival and riding on my very first EMS call! It was a great first time call with a great medic. I'm glad all the cards were in my favor.

**David Update**

The time is creeping up till his boots hit American soil! He is still good, just working and more working out! These are some photos that David has taken in Afghanistan.

David, it's so nice outside that I miss our nightly walks to the beach!

I'm here, with all the windows and doors open, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I'm sure most of you have seen the recent box that was left at my doorstep....bomb?  I thought so.

This "indestructible" suitcase was left outside my house today.  I had a lovely morning of Raisin Bran and the Ellen Show, only to end it with this crazy box.  I knew that David was sending me a box, but I had no idea it would be so intense.  Slightly afraid of what was in, I unlocked it....and found nothing cool enough to take and claim as my own.  I still love getting goodies from The 'Stan in the mail!!

**David Update**

Nothing new, he is working his legs today at the gym.  (That's all I got.)  10 days till promotion!

David, I took a nap in the hammock today, and it was D. R. E. A. M. Y.!

I'm here, with cold feet, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

{great day}

Man, oh man.  I needed a day like today to kick start my mood.  The sun was shining, the wind was light and breezy, all my windows and doors are open, it's a great day to be alive and well.  I had morning coffee with my neighbor, had a delicious lunch with some great people, drove around with the windows down, the sunroof open and the music loud, then I cooked out, ate dinner on the screened in porch and went to class.  Seriously, a great day.

No fears today, no worries, no regrets.  Just well-being.  I wish that everyday was like it was today.  Hopefully the sun continues to shine brightly and my days continue to be good.  What puts you in a good mood to have a great day?  A good cup of coffee in the morning, a shower first thing, great friends, productivity?  What is your secret to a good life?  Share those moments and days with someone, you will spread your cheer, whether you think it will or not, I'm telling you it will.  You and I being in great moods will allow our light to shine on the rest of the world!  Go out and shine!

**David Update**

I did not get a chance to chat much with David today, but he mentioned that he is excited to come home again today!  He is looking forward to seeing his friends and family, watching movies and listening to the "new" music!  11 days until promotion!

David, it was a great day, obviously, and I got things accomplished!  (and didn't eat an entire bag of goldfish!)  I still have a huge list of to-dos until you get home, but some things are getting crossed off!

I'm here, smiling, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Today I got an AMAZING grade on my third test of my EMT class!  To reward myself for a job well done (and because I'm a fat kid at heart) I decided to eat a whole bag of goldfish!  (The crackers...)  Moments like this are moments that I feel that I make David the most proud; well, it's either that or these are the moments that I'm glad David's not here, he might not be too happy with my ridiculous eating habits!  But, in all seriousness, I wish he was hear to share my proud moments with me.  I get to come home all excited only to be by myself.  This deployment is getting old!  One month left!!

**David Update**

As you can tell, David is in good spirits.  We didn't talk about much work/Marine stuff, but he was happy and on his way out and about.  All seems to be well and his is 12 days away from being a 1st Lt.!

David, if it's alright, I'll have you come home now.

I'm here, full of fish shaped crackers, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

{2 1/2 hours}

That is how far away the closest one of my husband's favorite restaurant is.  Raleigh, NC, 2 1/2 hours away, is the closet Chipotle.  I'm not going to lie, I have always liked Chipotle, but the fact that David is obsessed with it makes me kind of want to obsess over it too!  Right now, I would order a bowl, with rice, chicken, black beans, extra corn, extra tomatoes, tiny bit of hot sauce, cheese, a bag of chips, and a water.  My mouth is watering as I just think about delicious...yummmmmm.

We are driving to Ohio in May, but wouldn't be surprised if we made a day trip to Raleigh for Chipotle.  I think I might make that happen, just because I love him that much.  Lesson of marriage: do something for him because he really likes it.  Give and take, but give more.  David, we're getting Chipotle...

**David Update**

I haven't heard from him today.  

David, I'm just saying that I like you and I have new life goals.  That is it. 

I'm here, full of biscuits, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Monday, March 12, 2012


Oh man.  I think (well, know) my life is about to get crazy.  The deployment to-do list has grown exponentially overnight and we will have people at our house or will be traveling until the end of May!  Gah!

Here's what they (whoever "they" are) say about stress....

And this is out out-of-control I feel....

As a side note, the "stress-relieving" mask kind of made my face not stress free.  Well, I'm always trying to figure out how to calm my life (really, my brain) down and how to be happier in life.  I'm pretty happy with my life right now, but I'm the opposite of calm!  I will try to take some of my own advice and see where it leads me.  Otherwise, let freak-out mode commence.  

**David Update**

I didn't get a chance to have a good chat with David today.  He did e-mail me and say that he was up and on his way to the gym and then back to work.  All must be well.

David, I've been going since 8:30 this morning: cleaning the glass, mopping, sweeping, 5 loads of laundry, put up a hammock, thoroughly cleaned the kitchen, cleaned out the fridge, clean all dishes, put away clutter, etc.  The list goes on, but I feel good about everything that happened, there's just a lot more to go!

I'm here, with a delicious smelling house, waiting for you to come home.  

I love you David.  

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Oh my.  I got the chance to Skype with David tonight.  Can I just share with you that I haven't laughed that hard in so long!  I was bent over, gasping to breathe and crying.  What kind of laugh is better?  My cheeks were hurting and so were my abs.  I LOVE when this happens to me.  Only David is the person who can bring this out in me, we are completely uninhibited with each other.  I have, yet again, re-made my to-do list, but this time I am in high stress mode.  I can prevent my stress, but I don't.  Repeatedly in my life, I procrastinate.  It's kind of ridiculous if you ask me.  My to-do list of 2 pages at the beginning of the deployment is still 2 pages, and growing!

I.  must. get.  it.  into.  gear.

These are some of the funny photos of David that I have.  Just thought that all of you would like a little giggle too!

**David Update**

David is good.  Packed and ready to come home!  He was on his way to the gym this morning as we were chatting and making plans for when he comes home!!

David, hilarious talk tonight.  It did my soul well.

I'm here, with achy cheeks, waiting for you to come home.  

I love you David.  

Saturday, March 10, 2012

{the stan}

Instead of sharing my feelings about my life or my views on life, I figured I share a few pictures that David sent me from Afghanistan.  It's great to see photos of where he is and sometimes what he's been doing.  So here they are!

**David Update**

David preformed a little below his standards on his PFT yesterday, but still did very well.  This morning was their late start day, so David and I chatted for a little bit and he is now off to breakfast!  He said that he has most of his gear packed and ready to come home!

David, you should definitely try to sneak out of there early, I would appreciate it!!  JK, I know that you can't and never would leave your Marines!  

I'm here, eating cashews at 11pm, waiting for you to come home!

I love you David.  

Friday, March 9, 2012


Ugh, today is a day where I miss David.  We had the opportunity to Skype today.  We have some of the most ridiculous conversations and today was no exception.  David, at the end of the conversation, said "I love you and  your complete craziness".  :)  These are the days I miss him the most.  When I can be completely silly and uninhibited.  That's the best feeling, that I can be completely me with some who understands and accepts all of me.

This completely describes David and I.  We are willing to do most anything, in public or not, to make the other one smile and laugh.  Right now the deployment is easy, I've built a life without David and am used to it. I'm almost in the excitement phase, but not yet.  I just miss everything we have.  

**David Update**

David is good today.  He skipped the gym to eat a good breakfast,  He has to run a PFT (physical fitness test) this morning.  He is ready, in shape and should score high.  He said that some of their replacements have started rolling in in Afghanistan.  David says that it's crazy that that used to be him, entering into a situation where he felt clueless, but now he feels like a pro.  He is excited to come home, but saddened to leave.  At least he will leave as a 1st Lt.  

David, I can't wait to have you back.  You make me feel 100% better about life.  

I'm here, with sore cheeks from laughing with you, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Oh crap.  This might be why my life isn't completely and utterly happy.

Some (most) of these things I do!  I wish that I could not do them.  I wish that I didn't care about all these crazy things I do, like pleasing people, being who they want me to be, worrying, being overwhelmed, eating my problems away.  We all have our faults and our failures.  It's hard not to do these things.  We live in a world, not meant to bring us down, but we do.  A world full of ugliness and hatred.  Full of beautiful people with gorgeous bodies.  Full of false reality and twisted truths.  It is a crazy world that we are set out to combat everyday.  I will live my life to be happy, I hope that you do too.  

**David Update**

I did not get a chance to talk to David today.  He is still aboard Camp LNK, probably working out and doing paperwork.  

David, I wish we could have watched a movie together after class today.  That would have been just lovely!!

I'm here, so sleepy, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Well, here it is, people helping people.  Joseph Kony is a murderous, torturous leader of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) in Africa.  For decades he has been kidnapping children and forcing them into his slavery.  Below is an online documentary produced by Joseph Russell, it details the strife of the African people affected by Kony.  Russell also pleas for the aide of each and every American to be aware and to make famous Joseph Koney. Please watch, I promise you won't want to turn it off or wish you hadn't watched it.

Sign the pledge, join the forces, participate in good.  Do something, maybe it's not partaking in this project, but maybe something else.  We are called to help the least of our brothers.  How do you help?  What do you do to help those less fortunate around you?  I admit, I could do more and plan on doing more.  Donate to a food bank, volunteer at a blood drive, buy fair trade goods, help somebody.  You have it in you and so do I.  It doesn't matter how small the good that you do is, it's helping.  You are changing lives without even knowing it.  Do something.  Make Kony known worldwide.  

**David Update**

Today was a good day!  I received at 35 minute phone call from David.  His spirits are high.  He sounds happy and ready to come home.  He was cracking jokes and making plans for when he returns.  All is well in Afghanistan, a lot more paperwork and more gym time.

David, I got both of your footlockers today!!!  YAY!  No need for the key you sent me because the trusty old USPS broke both of the boxes!  So they were open, no need to break in (oh, I mean unlock them)!  I dug right in, everything is in it's place and put away already.  I'm getting so excited for you to come home!!

I'm here, so excited, for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This is the kind of person I strive to be.  This is the kind of person that I encourage my friends to be.  These are the kind of people I hope are in my life.  This is what it's about people.  Doing good and being good for the common good of all mankind.  (That's a lot of "good"s, but you get the point.)  To be loved and to give love.  To be accepted and to give acceptance.  To be forgiven and to give forgiveness.  This brings the Christmas message of the "whole world being at peace" to mind.  THIS is what we have been taught and THIS is how we much live.  This can be another step in bringing happiness to your life and the lives of everyone around you; I know it will make my life happier.  

**David Update**

He was up and at 'em this morning!  It is still chilly in Afghanistan because David wore a sweatshirt underneath his blouse.  He says that life there is still going well and that he is still working on paperwork as always.  He is excited to be promoted and to come home!

David, seriously, I can't stop eating.  This is insane.  Also, I want you to know that I appreciate the love that you give me and the relationship that we have.  

I'm here, with my food, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  

Monday, March 5, 2012


Breakfast.  I'm not really a breakfast kind of person.  My breakfast consists of coffee.  Sometimes a bowl of raisin bran or some toast, but that's about it.  Now, my husband on the other hand, he is a breakfast freak!!  He loves it.  Eats oatmeal, eggs, toast, and more for breakfast...everyday!  I wish I could sit down and enjoy a breakfast.  But, do I really want to make eggs and pancakes for myself?  No.  I want to guzzle down my coffee in my morning whirlwind getting to the gym.

2 things.  I wonder if I would have "better" (in quotations because 'better' is subjective) day.  What if I wake up early enough to sit down, watch the news and eat?   Would loosing sleep and eating breakfast or gaining sleep and guzzling coffee be better?  What a tough question.  I might have to experience.  Second thing, would I be more willing and receptive to loosing sleep for breakfast if I had David or my breakfast club from OH here?  ABSOLUTELY!  Well, maybe I'll work on this breakfast thing, test out the theories.  

**David Update**

David is up and at 'em already!  He is still working in his office and filling out reports.  He did mention that he went on a run and had no pain in this leg!  Yay!  

David, I've got to work on my late night eating too!  But, breakfast when you come home.  We will make it and sit on the back porch and enjoy!  I'm SO excited!

I'm here, sleepy, waiting for you to come home.  

I love you David.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

{it's going to be amazing}

Worrying is getting me no where.  Listening to what others have to say is getting me no where.  My brain right now is getting me nowhere.  All any of this is doing is messing up my sleep and making me hungry at 10PM at night, neither of which, I appreciate.

I am married to the best man that I could be.  He knows me inside and out and loves every part of me.  We have both changed over the past 6 months, and will probably continue to change over the rest of our lives.  I just pray that those changes are for the better and we do them together.

Here in NC I have made a new life, full of new experiences, new places, new hobbies, and great new friends. All things considered (and minus the fact my husband is in the sandbox), my life is pretty good and I can't wait to share it with my better half again!

**David Update**

David is up and at it already for the day!  He pulled a muscle in his leg, so he is taking it a bit easier at the gym and nursing it back to it's full potential.  He has been working on reports for his Marines and doing more paperwork.  All is well in his world!  AND his promotion to 1st Lt. is coming up this month!!

David, I'm done worrying.  I want you back.  I'll pick you up in sweats at 3 AM if that's what it takes.  Just come back soon!  

I'm here, stuffing my face at 10PM, waiting for you to come home.  

I love you David.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I truly try not to be mean to people behind their backs or to their faces, and believe it or not, I've gotten a lot better at judging people.  Yes, people are annoying, yes, they are overbearing, yes, I can't stand some people, but I have to remember in the back of my mind that I know nothing about their lives.  I don't know how they were raised, I don't know what their home life is like, I don't know what battles they are fighting.  I will continuously try not to be mean to and about people, no matter what.  I'm not perfect at it, but I will say, from experience, I'm better than others.  So if you meet me, don't be mean to be or annoying, it will help me not be mean to you behind your back! 

**David Update**

I haven't had the chance to speak to him yet today.  Today is his Sunday, so they get part of the morning off.  I hope that he is sleeping in a little bit and catching up on some rest. 

I'm here, with great reality TV, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.  

Friday, March 2, 2012


Some days I'm not sure that I have smiled enough, enough for myself and enough at others.  We never know whose lives we are touching at any given moment.  At the same time, it feels good to smile, it puts us in a better mood.  We need to smile to be happy.  Think about it, the happiest people you know, are they always frowning or smiling?  I'm assuming your answer is the same as mine, they don a big, bright smile.  I'm going to try to smile more often.  I need the happiness in my life, and others might need it too!  Join me in smiling today, tomorrow and everyday after that!  Let's just be ridiculously happy!!
**David Update**

He was in a good mood today!  I spoke to him briefly on his way to start his day!  His spirits were high as he will be home next month!

David, it would be a good night to walk down to the beach.  Just sayin'.  

I'm here, bored, waiting for you to come home.

I love you David.  


I'm worrying.  My doctor said that I need to worry less and eat more.  I have always been a worrier, but I've always had somethingto take my mind off of my troubles.  At this point in my life, I have little to take my mind off worrying.  I worry about David and I worry about our marriage.  I'm scared for when he comes home.  I have heard so many warnings about how different I will be and how different he will be when he gets back and how it will be to adjust back to one another.  I know that we will be a little different, I think it's a given.  We have gone through different circumstances and have led different lives for 6 months now.  I hope that he comes home and we adjust back to each other and move on with the beautiful lives that we had pre-Afghanistan.  I love David with all my heart and I want things to continue to be happy.  I want to share my everyday with him and I want him to share his with me.  We are in such different worlds that it's hard to right now, but I have faith that in the end, we will be happy and in love.

**David Update**

David is up bright and early already!  He is off to the gym and then off to work!!

David, I pray that we are more in love with each other than ever when you come home.  I can't wait to have you back in this house with me.  I miss you every moment. 

I'm here, in our lonely house, waiting for you to come home to me.

I love you David.